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Internal Funding Opportunities

Call for Proposals

Every academic year the Center for the Humanities and the Public Sphere announces its call for proposals for fellowships and grants, event co-sponsorships, and publication subventions. These programs are supported by the Robert and Margaret Rothman Endowment for the Humanities, Tedder Family Endowed Research Award in the Humanities, David Yulee Endowment, Humanities Endowment, and Jerome A. Yavitz Fund. Additional support is provided by the UF College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and UF College of the Arts. CHPS encourages proposal submissions from faculty, graduate students, and staff at the University of Florida and community partners working in the humanities.

The Center for the Humanities and the Public Sphere created a checklist for faculty, staff, and graduate students who are organizing events at UF.

The PDF guidelines below describe these programs in greater detail and list application procedures. Please send any queries about these initiatives to Rothman Chair and Director Jaime Ahlberg at You may apply for the Co-Sponsorship for Humanities Events and the Publication Subvention in the Humanities at any time.



Co-Sponsorship for Humanities Events | deadline: rolling

The Center for the Humanities and the Public Sphere (CHPS) co-sponsors events that engage the humanities in the form of conferences, speakers, classroom visits, and workshops, organized by faculty, staff, graduate and undergraduate students, and community members.

Publication Subvention in the Humanities (Award re-opens Fall 2024) | deadline: rolling

The Center for the Humanities and the Public Sphere (CHPS)—with the support of the Robert and Margaret Rothman Endowment for the Humanities in cooperation with the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS), and the College of the Arts (COTA)—offers publication subventions to UF faculty in the humanities for books published by scholarly presses. For CLAS faculty, the CLAS Dean’s Office and CHPS will each fund half of the subvention. COTA faculty are directed to apply for a COTA Scholarship Enhancement Fund (SEF) award or a COTA Research Incentive Award, overseen by the COTA SEF and Research Committees, respectively, after which their applications will be forwarded to CHPS for supplementary funding. Faculty in other colleges will be able to apply for half of the amounts listed below from CHPS.

External funding is also available for research and writing, collaborative work teaching initiatives, and public and digital projects. Explore more funding opportunities.

Library Enhancement Program in the Humanities | deadline: Friday, October 11, 2024

The Center for the Humanities and the Public Sphere (CHPS), with the support of the Robert and Margaret Rothman Endowment for the Humanities, offers a Library Enhancement Grant to faculty members and graduate students at the University of Florida (UF). The Grant provides up to $4,000 for the acquisition of library resources—including print, digital, and audio-visual media—in a field of study in or related to the humanities, which is currently not well-served by UF’s collections. These resources are intended to enhance scholarly research and teaching in the humanities and allied fields. Priority will be given to requests that serve broad constituencies.

Speaker Series and Workshops in the Humanities Grant | deadline: Friday, January 24, 2025

The Center for the Humanities and the Public Sphere (CHPS) will sponsor workshops and speaker series during 2024-25 with support from the Margaret and Robert Rothman Endowment and the Yulee Fund. CHPS solicits proposals from faculty, curators, and graduate students who wish to organize one or multiple events, especially collaborative ones, in an academic year. The events must be accessible to an audience coming from a variety of disciplines and members of the public. CHPS expects to fund awards of up to $5,000 each. Partial funding of proposals may be awarded to support more initiatives.

Programs in the Public Humanities | deadline: Friday, February 7, 2025

The Center for the Humanities and the Public Sphere (CHPS), with the support of the Margaret and Robert Rothman Endowment for the Humanities, is awarding teams of UF and Community partners grants up to $4,000 to support public programs in the humanities. This grant encourages on- and off-campus individuals, groups, or organizations to collaborate in creating and implementing humanities programming beyond the UF campus. Projects should attempt to understand, evaluate, and communicate human experiences, values, and aspirations in order to improve the human condition.

Rothman Faculty Summer Fellowships in the Humanities | deadline: Friday, February 7, 2025

The Center for the Humanities and the Public Sphere (CHPS), with the support of the Robert and Margaret Rothman Endowment for the Humanities, offers fellowships to support ongoing or new research projects to faculty in humanities disciplines. Rothman Faculty Summer Fellowships in the Humanities will be awarded as a lump-sum payment of up to $5,000 to be used in summer 2024 for travel or research expenses or as salary. (Fellowships taken as summer salary are subject to UF withholding of taxes and fringe).

Tedder Family Doctoral Fellowships and Rothman Doctoral Fellowships in the Humanities | deadline: Friday, March 7, 2025

The Center for the Humanities and the Public Sphere (CHPS), with the support of the Tedder Family Endowed Research Award in the Humanities and the Robert and Margaret Rothman Endowment in the Humanities, offers fellowships for UF doctoral candidates working on humanities dissertations. This fellowship may be used to cover research expenses, including but not limited to research-related travel. Successful applicants will be called Tedder Family or Rothman Doctoral Fellows in the Humanities. The Tedder Family and Rothman Doctoral Fellowships in the Humanities will be awarded to the awardee’s degree-granting department as a lump-sum payment of $3,000 to be used in Summer or Fall 2024 or Spring 2025 in the form of reimbursement for travel, research expenses. Taxes and fringe will be deducted in cases where the funds are awarded as salary, and CHPS will coordinate with the awardee’s home department.